26 st superbra katt tips

Chris Ritter/BuzzFeed

1. Remove a cabinet door panel and add a curtain with a tension rod to hide a litter box.

Remove a cabinet door panel and add a curtain with a tension rod to hide a litter box.

2. Make a tiny bed of grass for your cat to chill in.

Make a tiny bed of grass for your cat to chill in.

The grass is greener inside.

3. Create a stairway to heaven for your cat using Ikea Lack shelves.

Create a stairway to heaven for your cat using Ikea Lack shelves.

4. Cut out squares in a bookshelf to create a kitty exercise tower.

Cut out squares in a bookshelf to create a kitty exercise tower.

This is actually another Ikea hack, using the Billy shelf.

5. Easily make an under-table or under-chair cat hammock with cloth and Velcro straps.

Easily make an under-table or under-chair cat hammock with cloth and Velcro straps.

See how someone made their own here.

6. Make a cat tent out of a T-shirt and two hangers.

Make a cat tent out of a T-shirt and two hangers.

Finally, a use for that old bat mitzvah T-shirt that’s 10 sizes too large. Get the directions here.

7. Got feral cats in the backyard? Keep ‘em warm this winter.

Got feral cats in the backyard? Keep 'em warm this winter.

Check out the tutorial here.

8. Keep cats busy for hours with this DIY Tupperware cutout puzzle.

Keep cats busy for hours with this DIY Tupperware cutout puzzle.

The trick is to burn the cut edges with a lighter so that jagged edges don’t hurt your cat’s paws. Directions here.

9. Let your cats scratch themselves with this DIY self-petting station made with toilet bowl brushes.

Let your cats scratch themselves with this DIY self-petting station made with toilet bowl brushes.

Directions here.

10. You can make your own Clevercat litter box for a fraction of the cost.

You can make your own Clevercat litter box for a fraction of the cost.

Gives your cat some privacy and keeps dogs from getting in and messing with their business. Directions here.

11. Glue a carpet sample to a wooden frame for a minimalist cat scratch post.

Glue a carpet sample to a wooden frame for a minimalist cat scratch post.

It’s practically wall art.

12. A tissue box and toilet paper rolls can easily be turned into an inexpensive toy your cat will love.

A tissue box and toilet paper rolls can easily be turned into an inexpensive toy your cat will love.

13. If your cat has ruined your screen door or window, there’s a fix for that.

If your cat has ruined your screen door or window, there's a fix for that.

Window screen tape! Get it here.

14. Tie sisal rope around an Expedit single shelving unit to create a scratch post and cat bed in one.

Tie sisal rope around an Expedit single shelving unit to create a scratch post and cat bed in one.

15. Give your cat a place to hang out besides your workspace by flipping over the top of a board game box.

Give your cat a place to hang out besides your workspace by flipping over the top of a board game box.

No more accidentally sending emails to your boss with the words “asdfkjhasall aslsakdfjf.”

16. Don’t de-claw your cats! If your cat is regularly drawing blood, cover his paws with Soft Paw vinyl coverings for their paws.

Don't de-claw your cats! If your cat is regularly drawing blood, cover his paws with Soft Paw vinyl coverings for their paws.

As an added bonus, they are like Minx for cats. You can buy them here.

17. Save money by growing your own catnip.

Save money by growing your own catnip.


Cut out the middle man. You can grow it in your garden or as a potted plant. Get the directions here.

18. Use this vacuum hack to get the cat litter that falls into weird crevices.

Use this vacuum hack to get the cat litter that falls into weird crevices.

You know how it always gets in the cracks of your floor? There’s a hack for that.

19. If your cat’s favorite activity is using more toilet paper than your entire family combined, tuck it in like so.


20. Run a rubber gloved hand over upholstery to remove pet hair.

Run a rubber gloved hand over upholstery to remove pet hair.

21. If you need a cheap and easy yet stylish hideaway bed, sew together two Ikea Gosig toy baskets.

If you need a cheap and easy yet stylish hideaway bed, sew together two Ikea Gosig toy baskets.

22. Trap fleas by lighting a candle.

Trap fleas by lighting a candle.

The fleas will hop into the melted wax. Just be sure not to leave the candle unattended. Click here for myriad other flea trap methods.

23. If your cat eats too quickly and then throws up, place her food in a shallow plate.

If your cat eats too quickly and then throws up, place her food in a shallow plate.

Just smooth out a singular layer of kibble to keep your cat from diving face first into her food.

24. Put double-sided tape on surfaces where you don’t want your cat to jump up on.

Put double-sided tape on surfaces where you don't want your cat to jump up on.

Cats avoid stepping on sticky things.

25. A plastic pitcher makes an easy-pour cat food container.

A plastic pitcher makes an easy-pour cat food container.

26. Covered in cat hair? Of course you are.

Covered in cat hair? Of course you are.

Throw your cat-hair-covered clothes into a dryer with a dryer sheet. Or just rub yourself down with a dryer sheet if a lint roller isn’t available.

[source: SheKnows]

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Ge din katt en lucka eller dörr som ger den möjligheten att komma och gå som den vill - en alldeles egen dörr för bara din katt! Om du har balkong skaffa kattnät så din katt kan vara på balkongen riskfritt och få frisk luft, samtidigt som de är skyddade från att ramla ner.
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Balkongsäkra för din katt med nät / hönsgaller

Som hyresgäst får du inte borra i husfasaden och då kan det bli lite knepigt att få upp ett balkongskydd men så här jag gjorde jag och det fungerar jättebra! Men jag kan tala om att det tog en del timmar att dra åt alla stripsen!


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Kommer inte ihåg exakta prisuppgifter men allt som allt blev det nog runt 1000 kr!

Stödpinnarna är hårt upptryckta i balkongtaket och längst upp sitter extra stödpinnar vågrätt så det inte blir någon glipa att klämma sig emellan, samma sak vid balkongräcket. För att göra detta arrangemang måste det finnas balkongtak och ett balkongräcke! Runt pinnarna användes stora stripes, vilket ger förvånansvärt bra stabilitet och till nätet användes små. Det gick åt massor av stipes /buntband så det inte blir glipor och att nätet hålls sträckt!